/** * Contexe - Contextual Execution * http://github.com/gordonbrander/contexe * @author Gordon Brander * @version 0.1 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html */ !function(a,b){Contexe=function(a){var c=a||"html",d=Contexe;if(!(this instanceof d)){var e=d.ins;typeof e[a]=="undefined"&&(e[a]=new d(a));return e[a]}c==="html"?c=b.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]:c==="body"&&(c=b.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]),this.el=c},Contexe.ins=[],Contexe.prototype={classReg:function(a){return new RegExp("(^|\\s+)"+a+"(\\s+|$)")},hasClass:function(a,b){return this.classReg(b).test(a.className)},given:function(a,b,c){c=c||[],this.hasClass(this.el,a)&&b.apply(null,c);return this}},a.Contexe=Contexe;return a}(this,document); /* Main Annotum JS sandbox */ (function ($) { /** * Annotum module * @author Crowd Favorite */ var Anno = {}; Anno.ready = function() { var Exe = Contexe, con = Anno.contexts; con.common(); Exe('body').given('home', con.home); }; Anno.util = { /* A dump sprintf-style function that only does positionals and doesn't do data types oustide of string. e.g. %1$s %2$s */ formattedReplace: function (str, replacements) { var matches = str.match(/%([0-9])\$s/g); if (matches !== null) { for (var i = replacements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ str = str.replace(matches[i], replacements[i]); }; }; return str; }, /* Convert entities and translate strings */ _l: function (str, replacements) { return this.formattedReplace(str, replacements); } }; /* Contextual code execution on DOMReady. Put global code in common() */ Anno.contexts = (function () { var util = Anno.util, /* A dictionary for localizing strings in PHP. ANNO_DICTIONARY is populated using wp_localize_script in functions.php.*/ lang = ANNO_DICTIONARY; return { common: function() { $.placeholders(); $('.widget-recent-posts .tabs').tabs(); //Add hover support for li's (ie6) $('li').hover( function(){$(this).addClass('hover');}, function(){$(this).removeClass('hover');} ); $('.tools-bar .citation a').click(function(){ $('.tools-bar .citation-container').toggle(); }); }, home: function () { var $cycler = $('#home-featured'), $pagination = $cycler.find('.control-panel'), $controls = $('
'), $numbers = $(''), $prev = $(''+lang.previous+''), $next = $(''+lang.next+''), numbering, trans, oldfade; $controls .append($next) .append($prev) .append($numbers); $cycler.append($controls); numbering = function (currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag) { var $items = $cycler.find('li'), i = $items.index(nextSlideElement), xofy = util._l(lang.xofy, [i + 1, $items.length]); $numbers.html(xofy); }; /* Duck-punched fix for jQuery Cycle Lite's fade effect. We need it to really hide elements, not just set opacity: 0; */ trans = $.fn.cycle.transitions; oldfade = trans.fade; trans.fade = function($cont, $slides, opts){ opts.cssBefore = { opacity: 0, display: 'block' }; opts.cssAfter = { opacity: 1, display: 'none' }; opts.animOut = { opacity: 0 }; opts.animIn = { opacity: 1 }; }; $cycler.find('ul').cycle({ timeout: 0, next: $next, prev: $prev, fit: true, before: numbering }); trans.fade = oldfade; } }; })(); // Run on DOMReady $(function ($) { Anno.ready(); }); })(jQuery);